“…is there ever a time when we would welcome a gnat?”

By Millie The Accidental Cook

As I was peering outside my window I noticed the small, small gnat. I thought, oh no, not another one. It seems just out of nowhere they appear. Always, always at an inopportune time. I mean is there ever a time when we would welcome a gnat?

As I prepared to swat the little creature I realized that it was outside of the window. I muttered to myself – “good!”, and settled back into the task at hand.

The little creature wouldn’t go away. I mean, from my mind. It was so little I thought. How could something so little could be so annoying? I recalled a conversation once when two ladies were discussing a tourist complimenting on the friendliness of our town and one of the ladies commented that we weren’t that friendly, we were just swatting the gnats. I believe there is some truth to that.

I dare not try to describe the size of the gnat and yet it causes so much discomfort. Again my mind wandered. This time to the rough edge of a broken tooth, then on to… Next, I recalled that rude remark that someone made and then that sarcastic look. Before I realized it I had spent too much time apart from my task at hand.

The more time I spent thinking about these things the bigger they became. Upon looking up at the window the little gnat was still trying to get in and I realized that the window would have to be opened if that gnat was to come in. It’s funny that that little, tiny gnat caused me to realize that I would have to open my mind to allow those sarcastic looks, those patches on my skin, the slightly rough edge of my broken tooth to annoy me. Why there were people that didn’t care where you went to school, to church or where you lived they still didn’t think that you could ever measure up to them. So, as the sign on the church sign reads “Get a Grip”. Don’t open that window and allow that gnat in.

I’m sure you agree with me I don’t want any gnats around while I’m cooking… speaking of cooking, I want to share with you a cucumber salad recipe. The timing is good with all those garden vegetables available now.



  • 2 medium cucumbers
  • 1/2 teaspon of sale
  • one 8 ounce carton of plain yogurt
  • 1/4 teaspoon of dill weed
  • 2 tablespoons of minced onion
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice

Peel and slice the cucumbers then spread in a large shallow pan. Sprinkle with salt and let stand for approximately 15 minutes. Drain it, then combine the remaining ingredients into a medium-sized bowl. Mix it well, then add the cucumber slices, mix well and serve it up & enjoy!

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