The Trouble With Chocolate

“…we just didn’t know what happened to the box of cocoa”

By Millie The Accidental Cook

I wonder how she kept a straight face those many years ago when not one, but three of her children stood and almost in unison saying “we don’t know”.  We just didn’t know what happened to the box of cocoa. 

We had a winter storm and the snow was so deep that you almost couldn’t walk in it. We wanted so to go outside and play, except you couldn’t play because everything was covered in snow, deep snow. One of us decided that we could have a spitting contest. 

Having seen Momma mix sugar and cocoa together to make icing for a cake, we agreed that  we could mix the sugar and cocoa to make it dark… our spit I mean, you could really see it in the pure white snow.  Oh, and just between you and me, we knew where Momma kept it… we had slipped into it before.  You see, people would dip snuff and it was brown and on more than one occasion in our girly times we would pretend that we were Mr. & Mrs. so and so. 

We would carry on a conversation, mimicking Mr. & Mrs. so & so and then holding our two fingers apart, just so, we would spit. Almost always we would burst out laughing causing our “chocolate snuff” to go in all kinds of direction.   Our snuff tasted so good though. You know there is an art to spitting, it takes lots of practice.   

We didn’t get permission to do this, we slipped into the house and took it from the cabinet.  We knew it was wrong or we would have gotten permission.  I know that’s what made it so much fun though.

Our sin was discovered when, wouldn’t you know it, Momma decided she would make a cake.  It would be a treat and she knew we needed something to get our minds busy.   Mommas are like that, they can read your mind, or so it seems.

While we were busy in our spitting contest Momma saw us.  It wasn’t hard to see the dark lines in the beautiful white snow.  I know Momma was probably pretending that she didn’t see the chocolate around our mouths.  She probably wanted to see how far we would go with our story.

After showing concern as to what might have happened she relayed her reason for wanting the chocolate.  She had decided to make us a chocolate cake.   It’s funny how fast our tongues were loosened.  We almost sang in unison.  It must have been really hard for Momma to say since we had no cocoa, and no sugar she couldn’t bake that chocolate cake.

When I woke up this morning I was really wanting a good chocolate pie, somehow I have lost that desire… let me share my broccoli salad recipe.



  • 2 heads of lettuce
  • 1 small red onion – minced
  • 1/2 lb of bacon – cooked
  • 3/4 cup of raisins
  • 3/4 cup of nuts – chopped
  • 1 cup of mayonnaise
  • 1/2 cup of sugur
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar

Wash the broccoli and allow time to drain. Cut it into small pieces (approximately 1/4 inch). Mince the onion, crumble the bacon. Toss broccoli, onion, bacon, raisins, and nuts into serving dish. In a small bowl combine mayonnaise, sugar, vinegar and blend thoroughly. Stir this mixture into the salad and enjoy.

This salad is perfect with sliced ham or steak.

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